Aim: To understand different character types in thriller.
Protagonist: Good people - Are not aware of who is actually aligned with them.
Antagonist: Bad guys
Dramatic Irony: The viewers know more than the character.
Character Archetypes: Protagonist <- False Hero -> Antagonist
Handicap Protagonist - Paul Sheldon
- Broken Legs - Bone Collectors
- Rear Window
-> Physical Handicap
-> Mental Handicap
Picaresque Hero - Use wits and charm to escape problems.
Unaware Hero - Become Involved in a plot by mistake.
-> Mistaken Identity
Unreliable Narration -
Women in Peril -
Government - Conspiracy thriller: -> Agencies
Companies - Conglomerates
Manipulator -
Criminals - Murderers/Assassins/Kidnappers
Handicapped - Deformed
Absent Villain/Supernatural
Protagonist: Good people - Are not aware of who is actually aligned with them.
Antagonist: Bad guys
Dramatic Irony: The viewers know more than the character.
Character Archetypes: Protagonist <- False Hero -> Antagonist
Handicap Protagonist - Paul Sheldon
- Broken Legs - Bone Collectors
- Rear Window
-> Physical Handicap
-> Mental Handicap
Picaresque Hero - Use wits and charm to escape problems.
Unaware Hero - Become Involved in a plot by mistake.
-> Mistaken Identity
Unreliable Narration -
Women in Peril -
Government - Conspiracy thriller: -> Agencies
Companies - Conglomerates
Manipulator -
Criminals - Murderers/Assassins/Kidnappers
Handicapped - Deformed
Absent Villain/Supernatural